IMAP (Internet Minimum Advertised Price) Policy — United States
This policy applies to all BeBe & Bella, LLC’s (hereinafter referred to as “BBB”), Authorized Resellers (collectively referred to as “Resellers”) with respect to your advertising of BBB products over the Internet.
With regard to the list of SKUs and their corresponding IMAP set forth in (the “Products”), which Resellers are responsible for consulting:
A Reseller may not advertise or otherwise promote the Products over the Internet at an advertised price less than the IMAP BBB establishes from time to time.
A Reseller may also not sell the Products to any person who advertises or otherwise promotes products over the Internet at an advertised price less than the IMAP BBB establishes from time to time. Advertised price refers to the stated price less all discounts, coupons, rebates, and giveaways offered with the Products.
First Violation: If BBB determines that a Reseller does not comply with this policy, BBB will issue the first warning to the violating Resellers.
Second Violation: If BBB determines that the Reseller does not comply with this policy within six months of that first warning, BBB will issue a second warning to the violating Resellers.
Third Violation: If BBB again determines that the Reseller is not in compliance with this policy within nine months of the initial warning, BBB will terminate the Reseller agreement between the parties, thereby removing both the authorization to sell BBB products online and as well the right to use BBB’s assets for the purpose of online sales.
BBB is implementing this policy as its own policy. Each Reseller is free to independently decide whether or not to follow this policy and what price it will ultimately charge for or promote BBB Products. No BBB employee or representative has any authority to modify or alter this policy or negotiate this policy or any assurance or agreement with respect to it with any Reseller.
BBB will act at all times unilaterally and will neither solicit, consider, nor agree to any recommendation, request, or demand of any other person. We will determine whether Products are being advertised or promoted in violation of this policy and will enforce this policy as we believe is warranted. This policy does not apply to discontinued merchandise or closeouts, as clearly identified by BBB.
For all inquiries regarding this policy, please email
BBB is implementing this policy for the United States only. BBB’s policy and its Authorized Resellers for other jurisdictions may differ, so please check accordingly.
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